Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Wet Dream Come True

LUSH Wine and Spirits in University Village is having its 5th Anniversary Party on Friday, January 14th! That's right, a liquor store is throwing a party with free booze! This event is absolutely free so expect it to get crowded like the Red Line at rush hour before a Cubs game with a Dave Matthews Band performance.

Lush Wine and Spirits
5th Anniversary Party
Free Wine, Beer and Appetizers

1257 S. Halsted
Friday, Jan 14th | 7:00 - 9:00pm

1 comment:

  1. This is a CLIENT APPRECIATION party. As in, for our clients. Not all of Chicago.

    To celebrate 5 wonderful, amazing years with our clients, we are throwing a birthday party. That does included snacks and wine. But, we expect to know you and have invited you, and that you shop with us. Yes, there was an invitation. So, we would love to kick it with you, but on our terms.

    Thanks for the note. Also, everyone will be carded. And the party will wrap promptly at 9pm.

    Rachel Driver

    General Manager, LUSH Wine & Spirits
